
Mike offers over 30 years of experience of working in the charity sector and undertakes commissions of varied consultancy work for social care, arts and environmental organisations.

During his 12 years of setting up and managing Befriending Network Scotland (1998-2010), Mike established a consultancy service at the organisation, undertaking over 50 pieces of work including evaluations, feasibility studies, strategy days and organisational reviews for charities. With the Diploma in Organisational Consultancy and Facilitation (Craighead Institute) under his belt, Mike began working freelance in 2010, while also working part time in social research. He has undertaken work including:

Evaluations: currently working on the Midlothian Third Sector Hub for MVA (opportunities for resource sharing amongst organisations), and the evaluation of Gifford Community Woodland. Previously worked on the evaluation of Grassy Riggs Older People’s Centre and Who Cares?Scotland (with Animate Consulting), with other contracts including Glenboig Neighbourhood Centre and LGBT Age. Evaluation of befriending schemes such as LINK (mental health befriending), Food Train Friends and Shetland Befriending Scheme took place while working with Befriending Network Scotland. Other evaluation contracts Mike has led or worked on include *Breastfeeding Network, *Basketball Scotland, *Scottish Book Trust, *Reclaiming Social Work implementation (Education & Children’s Services Aberdeen City Council), North East Sensory Services*, intandem mentoring*, YouthLink Scotland (activity agreements support)*

Research: working with Simon Jaquet Consultancy and Faith in Older People on the Gift of Age research – exploring the contribution of older people in faith communities to projects in their local area.

Developing fundraising materials / fundraising research: Pass IT On Computers, Reusing IT, Simpson House, Leith School of Art, Edinburgh Garden Partners, Govan Schools Pipes and Drums Association, Fischy Music

Feasibility Studies / Mapping Exercises: Caithness Community Care Forum, Parenting across Scotland and while working with social research company Blake Stevenson he worked on process mapping relating to fire and police services for the Scottish Government.

Organisational Strategy Days, Events and Workshop Facilitation: (for Boards and/or staff teams): COSCA, Trellis, PLUS, Craighead Institute, Muirhouse Youth Development Group, Families Outside. In addition sessions for Camphill Corbenic, Social Bite and Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (working with Animate Consulting).

Governance Responsibilities and/or Staff Management Procedures: EMMS International, Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance

*Mike worked part time as a Senior Consultant for social research company Blake Stevenson between Oct 2012 and May 2016, and now works part time with The Lines Between as Senior Researcher. He is also an Associate with Animate Consulting.